Robotic Imaging Reading Group(ImgRG) Organiser

I am the orgamiser for ImgRG, we meet weekly and discuss interesting developments in computer vision, machine learning, computational photography and robotic imaging. For more information have a look here.

University Tutoring

A list of tutoring/teaching undertaken at the University of Sydney.

[MTRX3760] Mecatronics Systems (2020-present)

  • Object Oriented Design
  • C++
  • ROS

[MTRX5700] Experimental Robotics (2022-present)

  • Python
  • SLAM
  • Machine Learning

[AMME4710] Computer Vision (2021-present)

  • Computer Vision
  • Machine Learning

School Outreach

Facilitated school outreach events, running students through building basics circuits and programming to produce something useful. The goal to engange students in engineering and robotics, showing them how fun it can be, will also trying to encourage some engineering fundimentals such as problem solving.